BVA professionals have substantial expertise and experience that enables us to offer valuable advice to our clients and insightful, compelling testimony to factfinders on economic damages and other financial issues.
Our professionals have advised and testified on the full range of economic damages measures including lost profits, lost value, unjust enrichment, benefit-of-the-bargain and reliance damages, reasonable royalties, and diminution of value.
Our experts have testified on economic damages in numerous state and federal courts, as well as arbitration, both in the U.S. and internationally. BVA’s service offering extends far beyond expert reports and testimony, however, as our professionals are often asked to advise in a consulting capacity throughout the litigation lifecycle on various issues, such as early case assessment, identifying key financial issues, analyzing the opposing side’s claims, assisting in settlement negotiations and mediation, and preparing counsel for deposition and cross examination of opposing experts.

BVA produced expert analysis and supporting reports on Iusacell’s affirmative claims and rebutting IBM’s claims. Provided significant consulting support and data analytics on non-damages issues.

BVA was retained by the Plaintiff to calculate lost profit damages of the Plaintiff and its franchisees. BVA’s analysis included datamining of Google statistics to identify leads the Defendants generated from the use of Plaintiff’s trademarks and resulting in ultimate lost profits of the franchisees and the Plaintiff.

On behalf of the House of Raeford Farms, BVA identified flaws in plaintiff’s expert’s damages methodology and conclusions. Reviewed extensive documents and provided additional context regarding non-cause of action factors and assumptions inappropriately employed in plaintiff’s model. Prepared and issued expert report and testified at deposition and trial.

On behalf of CCC, BVA provided affirmative expert opinions and conducted analyses of lost profits, additional expenses incurred, and permanently increased expenses for this purchase price dispute. Provided significant assistance to counsel in preparation for fact witness depositions. Also provided rebuttal expert opinions and supporting analyses.