Whether in the context of a shareholder dispute, bankruptcy-related litigation, or other disputes, parties to complex commercial litigation often encounter questions regarding the value of a business, business interest, or assets. BVA’s valuation professionals have industry-leading expertise and a proven track record of helping our clients navigate complex valuation issues, particularly in situations involving litigation or disputes that have the potential to result in litigation.
Many of our valuation professionals also regularly serve as testifying experts and, thus, maintain a unique perspective that enables us to provide valuable insight and guidance in connection with litigation. Our experts have significant experience in numerous types of valuation disputes, including:
- Partner/shareholder disputes
- Purchase price disputes
- Analyses of solvency in bankruptcy
- Minority shareholder oppression
- Post-M&A disputes
- Distribution of estate and trust assets
- Triggered buy/sell agreements
- Loss of business value claims
- Statutory mergers and appraisal rights valuations
- Marital dissolutions

BVA was initially engaged as a “shadow arbitrator” to develop estimates of the arbitration panel’s conclusions based on the evidence as discovery took place. BVA then proceeded to help counsel to formulate valuation/accounting arguments and presentation strategy.

On behalf of Anadarko, BVA developed expert analysis regarding economic damages and various financial issues. Valued various Tronox entities and rebutted opposing expert’s valuation of Kerr-McGee E&P assets, onshore and offshore, worldwide. Provided ongoing consulting during all phases of the lawsuit (deposition, trial, post-trial).

On behalf of Verizon, BVA rebutted opposing expert and concluded Idearc was solvent and capital structure was suitable.

BVA developed expert analyses and reports assessing the value of over 60 legal entities owned directly and indirectly by the subject company through a complex corporate structure, which in turn informed the value of the alleged options. Provided significant consulting support in connection with various issues.