Taxpayers face increasingly complex and ever-evolving regulatory issues and scrutiny. BVA’s valuation professionals have extensive experience in guiding clients through such issues. BVA has provided gift and estate tax valuation services for over four decades. We have extensive experience in analyzing a wide variety of business interests, such as:
- Interests in C-corporations, S-corporations, family limited partnerships (FLPs), and limited liability companies (LLCs)
- Closely held corporations (common stock, preferred stock, and options/warrants)
- Interests warranting discounts for lack of control and discounts for lack of marketability
- Restricted stock
- Large blocks of public stock
- Stock options and other derivatives
- Investments held by Grantor Retained Annuity Trusts (GRATs) or other Trusts
- Notes receivable
BVA’s gift and estate tax valuation professionals have worked with clients across many geographies and industries and have successfully defended their opinions and provided expert testimony on countless occasions.

BVA has performed estate and transfer planning valuations for the Hill family, which owns Galatyn Haven.

BVA has valued Bray on multiple occasions for transfer planning purposes.

BVA provided estate tax filing valuation services to an investor in Action Credit.